
Meet Mindray PMLS Global Clinical Institute


Respiratory Care
The COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the globe has re-established the importance of medical ventilation and brought new expectations of further advancement in the respiratory medicine community. With a specific focus on lung production, how can we ensure acute and adaptive ventilation, carrying out different lung ventilation strategies and preventing ventilator-associated lung injuries(VALI)?
With the rapid development of medical technology refining the operating room, anesthesiology has also faced increasingly new changes and requirements. For patients of differentiated age demographics requiring more of clinicians’ attention, how can we better cooperate with the anesthesia machine to meet these challenges?
Patient Monitoring
Modern life relies increasingly on the convenience brought by digitization, but also faces challenges given the data redundancy. With the new routines and technologies, what are to explore for timely recognition, diagnosis and treatment?

About Mindray GCI

  • Mindray PMLS Global Clinical Institute(GCI) aims to provide clinical support to global medical practitioners. Under the discipline of “Insight-Rationality-Practice”, the GCI shares advanced clinical knowledge with the global medical community, thus benefiting more patients around the world.


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